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Photography and New Media

Since the rise of new media the art of photography has become something that is accessible to everyone and anyone. If you have a good quality smartphone you can take a good picture. Smartphone companies make sure that their phones camera capabilities outdo its predecessor. Users expect a good quality camera because photography has become part of someones everyday life. Most social media news feeds contain photography. Not only has new media changed the accessibility to photography it also changed how professional photographers work. One is seen to be a professional photographer when they own an SLR (Single Lens Reflex) Camera. Before new media things were done manually within a lab and with film. It took a lot of manual time to produce just one image and to make it right. With new media everything has become Digital. So with a DSLR (Digital Single Lens Reflex) Camera you can take hundreds of pictures and transfer it right onto your computer. Image manipulation is also much easier with new media, thanks to programs like Photoshop. New media has definitely been an advantage to photography and it will most likely progress further.

Apps such as Instagram, a photo sharing app, and photo editing apps like Snapseed, VSCO, and Prisma allow people to edit picture they take on their Phone from their phone. It allows for smartphone users to up the ante and have quality photos comparable to those taken with professional cameras.

An example, VSCO, is a very popular photo taking, editing and sharing application. The "Preset Gallery" lets you see multiple filters side-by-side so you can better decide what looks best, and any edits you make are now viewable in Edit History, where you can modify and undo changes. Another similar app is Aviary, it provides ways to enhance, accessorize and apply unique effects. Aviary provides ways to adjust lighting, focus and color, erase blemishes and brighten the face, flip photos, and even lets users personalize pictures with stickers, drawings, frames and overlays. It was created in 2007 and was very successful so it is now acquired by Adobe.


Below is the "Preset Gallery" in action.

Preset Gallery.png

Similar to VSCO, Instagram, is a photo editing snd sharing application allows users to "capture and share the world's moments on the service" Also, Instagram also, allows users to edit images using the editing tool.

Below you can see the three steps involved in editing and posting a picture on Instagram. The three steps are as follows: selecting the picture from ones camera roll, next, adding filters or tools to edit the image before posting the picture, for everyone else to view.

Instagram Step 1.jpg

The tools option on Instagram is further elaborated as shown below.

400px ‎ ‎


1. 2. 3.