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Toys are constantly changing, the toys you played with weren't the same as what your parents were playing with and the toys your kids will play with won't be the same either. You have wooden toys and things like board games and then there are battery powered toys but now there are toys that can connect with the internet. Toys such as PlayStation and Xbox, but these systems are geared towards older children. There are now toys that connect to the internet at a very young age. There is a toy called "Turtle Mail" and it is a wooden mailbox that connects to a printer inside of it and children can get messages from their friends and family who use their phone or computer. There is another toy called "Toy Mail" which is basically the same idea but family and friends can send messages through the child's stuffed animals and the child can answer back through their stuffed animals.

These might seem like great new ideas for toys because it is a different way for children to communicate with their friends and family. But isn't it just pushing things like texting and emailing on children from a really early age. Yes, this is through a stuffed animal or a cute little mail box but it is basically the same thing. There are all these studies about how texting and other communication sites are bad for teens so why isn't this bad for toddlers? Toy Mail have both positive and negatives advantages. While the toy promotes writing it doesn't not satisfied communication aspects. Toy mail impairs child's communication. By communicating with loved ones through a toy child is prone to becoming antisocial.Although it is a great idea it will cause more harm than good.

Types of toys

There are many types of toys on the market today. The categories are wide. There are action figures, dolls, video games, ponies, legos, etc. The toys today are modeled after a lot of the things adults use. For example, the cell phone has now become a toy which has grown in popularity. Children now pretend that they have cell phones and talk on them to their parents or friends. Toys have become more complex and some would even consider objects like the iPad a new toy for children. Many kids are seen holding an iPad and playing some kind of game on it. Technology has changed what is considered a toy. Children do play with dolls and cars still, but these have even changed from years ago. They now have more details which make them more real looking. The types of toys have changed, but not that much. It is the presence of the toy that changed a lot.

Projected Most Popular Children's Toys of 2016

According to CNBC these are projected to be most popular children’s toys in 2016

- Tech 4 Kids' ImagiPen - Remote Control BB-8 Robot - Hasbro’s Pie-Face Showdown - Goblies Throw-able Paintballs - Takodana Encounter Set - V Tech’s Blast-Off Space Station - Lego Angry Birds Set - Audley’s Voice Command Rover Set - The Irish Fairy Door Company - Jetts By Razor

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