New Media and Investments
New media has created new opportunities in investing. In the past, if someone wanted to invest, they had to work directly with a broker. Nowadays, thanks to new media, this process have recently become much easier. Investment apps and websites such as TDAmeritrade and Fidelity have made it easier for people to invest in the stock market. This sites allow you to invest yourself, without having to speak with a broker. In addition, anyone can now learn about investments without having to meet with an expert. New Media now provides everyday people with the resources needed to learn about the subject in general, about how to invest, and how investments work. The internet also provides tips on how to successfully gain a profit by investing in the stock market. According to Investopedia[1], millennials will be the highest beneficiaries of this new media form. They receive and learn about investments through social media and invest through these new media websites.
How Millennials Use Tech & Social Media To Invest-Media: