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Communication- "Communication is the key to success"- this is a very popular saying that means good communication skills are key to success in life, work and relationships. Without effective communication, a message can turn into error, misunderstanding, frustration, or even disaster by being misinterpreted or poorly delivered.


Good Communication- works for all types of relationships, whether personal or business. In order to get things done correctly, one must be a good communicator. For instance, good communication is linked to confidence because a confident person will also be a good communicator. It's like if one is going on a job interview and that person remains confident and communicates will with the interviewer, he or she is sure to receive a job offer.

The steps for acquiring good communication skills: Know what you want to say and why. Understand clearly the purpose and intent of your message. Know to whom you are communicating and why. Consider any barriers you may encounter such as cultural differences or situational circumstances (gender, age, or economic biases). Ask yourself what outcome you want to achieve and the impression you want to leave.

How will you say it? We're all aware by now, that it's not always what you say, but how you say it that counts. Begin by making eye contact. You inspire trust and confidence when you look a person in the eyes when you speak. Second, be aware of your body language since it can say as much, or more, than your words. By standing with arms easily at your side you tell others that you are approachable and open to hearing what they have to say. If instead, your arms are crossed and shoulders hunched, it suggests disinterest or unwillingness to communicate. Good posture and an approachable stance help make even difficult communication flow more smoothly. Make sure you speak in a cooperative, non-adversarial tone. Be nonjudgmental.

Listen. Communication is a two way street. After you've said what you have to say, stop, listen, and look for feedback and clues of comprehension. While the person is responding avoid any impulses to cut them off or listen only for the end of the sentence so that you can blurt out more ideas or thoughts that come to your mind. Respectfully give them your full attention. When they are finished, to ensure that your message has been clearly and correctly understood, ask open questions and encourage discussion. Fine-tune your message if necessary.

Reach understanding, agreement or consensus. Once you have had the opportunity to discuss your reach agreementmessage and the feedback to it, re-visit the purpose of the interchange. Have you reached common ground, solved a problem, or clarified your position? If the purpose was to teach or instruct, have you accomplished your goal? To communicate well is to understand and beunderstood. Make sure that your message has been received as intended and that any questions or concerns have been alleviated. You can even agree to disagree. There are no guarantees that your communication efforts will be meet with total compliance and agreement. As long as you understand each other, are cordial and respectful, you can still have a successful exchange.


It exists 4 mains communication modes : push, pull, relieved, C to C

1)Push communication : From the company to the target Traditional and dominant mode o Intrusive o Checked in the contents and the shape/form o Expensive

2) Pull communication : From the buyers and consumers to the company o On the initiative of the consumer o Consumer must know what and where to look for o The company must know how to answer and give the information o Internet, the privileged/favoured channel o Serving various objectives

3) Relived communication o Benefit from the audience and from the credibility of the influencer o Badly controlled by the brands o Very variable role of influencers according to markets o Influenceurs : -->􀂾 Opinion leaders -->􀂾 Prescribers/prescriptors --> 􀂾Consultants

4) C to C communication o Word of mouth is the most influential media o Not so easy to control ! o Make avalaible material, equipment, information … and let the consumers decide, seize and capture it !

With Technology communication is becoming more difficult. In Today's society everything is communicated via text or email which makes it harder to communicate and leaves room for misinterpretation. Often times while texting the recipient can't see your emotions and can of misinterpret the message.This may cause feud or disagreements between two parties. This argument will lead to a conversation, so why not just skip texting and pick up the phone and communicate.